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Raleigh, NC


Top Farms near Raleigh, NC


locally grown What began as an escape from Urban life to a more rural area slowly developed into a passion for sustainability and creating a healthy environment to call home. Starting slowly with chickens and gardening we have grown into raising beef cattle, pasture raised pork and eggs as well as blackberries. As we have grown we are now able to share our "goodness" with others on a broader scale. Our mission is simple, to provide quality food for our family and others. We strive to give back to the earth through the use of farming techniques that build the soil such as rotational grazing and silvopasture. profile

R&B Rhyne Farm


5382 mi

What began as an escape from Urban life to a more rural area slowly developed into a passion for sustainability and creating a healthy environment to call home. Starting slowly with chickens and gardening we have grown into raising beef cattle, pasture raised pork and eggs as well as blackberries. As we have grown we are now able to share our "goodness" with others on a broader scale. Our mission is simple, to provide quality food for our family and others. We strive to give back to the earth through the use of farming techniques that build the soil such as rotational grazing and silvopasture.

locally grown Acorn Acres Farmstead is a pasture based, regenerative livestock farm raising pigs, chickens, ducks, and geese. Our animals live their best lives roaming freely through our pastures and wood lots in the fresh air and sunshine. Our animals never receive subtherapeutic antibiotics, hormones, or feed additives. We also source our Non GMO supplemental feed from a local mill to give our animals a well balanced diet. We offer a full range of pork products from pork chops to sausage. We also have bulk packages and bbq pigs available. Our chicken is offered as whole birds and individual cuts such as boneless, skinless breasts and party wings. Our pasture based laying flock provides us with farm fresh chicken and duck eggs for sale. Let us help you feel good about what you put on your table to feed your family. profile

Acorn Acres Farmstead


5382 mi

Acorn Acres Farmstead is a pasture based, regenerative livestock farm raising pigs, chickens, ducks, and geese. Our animals live their best lives roaming freely through our pastures and wood lots in the fresh air and sunshine. Our animals never receive subtherapeutic antibiotics, hormones, or feed additives. We also source our Non GMO supplemental feed from a local mill to give our animals a well balanced diet. We offer a full range of pork products from pork chops to sausage. We also have bulk packages and bbq pigs available. Our chicken is offered as whole birds and individual cuts such as boneless, skinless breasts and party wings. Our pasture based laying flock provides us with farm fresh chicken and duck eggs for sale. Let us help you feel good about what you put on your table to feed your family.


locally grown We grow our veggies using three main sustainable hydroponic techniques; nutrient film technique (nft), bato bucket, and deep water culture systems. These systems allow us to be really stingy with water and very precise with nutrients and pH. The result is exceptionally good growth and taste with very little water use- basically what is lost through the leaves of the plants. We add to the sustainability of the farm with a recirculating aquaculture system where we raise fish in tanks of fresh water. 

In this system, we feed the fish a high protein diet that supports vigorous growth. The fish process this feed and generate ammonia and solid waste as a byproduct. We filter the solid waste out of the water and compost it to create nutrients that are then utilized in the hydroponic systems. We also filter the water in the fish system with a biological filter that converts the ammonia created by the fish into nitrates that are perfect for growing leafy greens in our deep water culture where the veggies remove the nitrates helping to keep the water clean and healthy for the fish. It's a very symbiotic process that is highly sustainable. We further added to our sustainability with a solar array and battery backup. This allows us to generate more electricity than we currently use while ensuring all of our life support systems stay up and running. profile

In Season Aquaponics


5382 mi

We grow our veggies using three main sustainable hydroponic techniques; nutrient film technique (nft), bato bucket, and deep water culture systems. These systems allow us to be really stingy with water and very precise with nutrients and pH. The result is exceptionally good growth and taste with very little water use- basically what is lost through the leaves of the plants. We add to the sustainability of the farm with a recirculating aquaculture system where we raise fish in tanks of fresh water. In this system, we feed the fish a high protein diet that supports vigorous growth. The fish process this feed and generate ammonia and solid waste as a byproduct. We filter the solid waste out of the water and compost it to create nutrients that are then utilized in the hydroponic systems. We also filter the water in the fish system with a biological filter that converts the ammonia created by the fish into nitrates that are perfect for growing leafy greens in our deep water culture where the veggies remove the nitrates helping to keep the water clean and healthy for the fish. It's a very symbiotic process that is highly sustainable. We further added to our sustainability with a solar array and battery backup. This allows us to generate more electricity than we currently use while ensuring all of our life support systems stay up and running.


locally grown From our farm we sell beef, pork and eggs. Our beef and pork comes from cows and hogs that are pasture raised on the farm or locally sourced from other farmers with similar farming practices. Our beef and pork is processed in an ethical manner by local NC inspected meat processing facilities and is packaged and frozen for customer convenience. Our eggs are cage free and are collected daily from hens that live here on our farm. profile

Wood Angus Farm


5382 mi

From our farm we sell beef, pork and eggs. Our beef and pork comes from cows and hogs that are pasture raised on the farm or locally sourced from other farmers with similar farming practices. Our beef and pork is processed in an ethical manner by local NC inspected meat processing facilities and is packaged and frozen for customer convenience. Our eggs are cage free and are collected daily from hens that live here on our farm.

locally grown Smith's Nursery is a family owned and operated wholesale nursery and produce farm operating in Johnston County, NC for over 30 years.  We are a NC Certified Roadside Farm Market and Pick-Your-Own Berry Farm specializing in strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, and pumpkins.  Smith's Nursery offers over 13 acres of container grown plants including shrubs, trees, and perennials.  profile

Smith's Nursery, Inc.


5382 mi

Smith's Nursery is a family owned and operated wholesale nursery and produce farm operating in Johnston County, NC for over 30 years. We are a NC Certified Roadside Farm Market and Pick-Your-Own Berry Farm specializing in strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, and pumpkins. Smith's Nursery offers over 13 acres of container grown plants including shrubs, trees, and perennials.

locally grown Five J’s is a multigenerational Family Farm. We raise all natural, pasture raised beef and pork. profile

Five J's Farm


5382 mi

Five J’s is a multigenerational Family Farm. We raise all natural, pasture raised beef and pork.

locally grown We are a regenerative urban farm located in the historic district of downtown Garner open Mon-Sat for pickups. We organically grow specialty crops including microgreens, all types of leafy greens and other produce as well as one of the most substantial varieties of  edible flowers locally.  profile

Sweet Peas Urban Gardens


5382 mi

We are a regenerative urban farm located in the historic district of downtown Garner open Mon-Sat for pickups. We organically grow specialty crops including microgreens, all types of leafy greens and other produce as well as one of the most substantial varieties of edible flowers locally.

locally grown We are a small family farm located in Knightdale, NC, dedicated to providing our community with high-quality, locally grown beef, pork and produce. By incorporating innovative farming practices while remaining true to our roots we achieve land management, increased production and the highest quality products for our customers. We take great pride in growing and raising products that reflect previous, current and future generations of our farm. Our farm is more than just a career it is our families heritage. profile

Pope Farms


5382 mi

We are a small family farm located in Knightdale, NC, dedicated to providing our community with high-quality, locally grown beef, pork and produce. By incorporating innovative farming practices while remaining true to our roots we achieve land management, increased production and the highest quality products for our customers. We take great pride in growing and raising products that reflect previous, current and future generations of our farm. Our farm is more than just a career it is our families heritage.

locally grown We started raising chickens and growing some vegtables and flowers in square foot gardens in the backyard of our home in Knightdale, NC. Our intent was to grow some of our own food.  We wanted to get back to basics. As we grew to enjoy our chickens, we started to wonder if we would be able to add more animals to our backyard.  Seeing that we were in a subdivision, we did not think that our neighbors would appreciate a couple of pigs or a cow next door.  That sparked our search for a little more land.  profile

Fuster Cluck Farm


5382 mi

We started raising chickens and growing some vegtables and flowers in square foot gardens in the backyard of our home in Knightdale, NC. Our intent was to grow some of our own food. We wanted to get back to basics. As we grew to enjoy our chickens, we started to wonder if we would be able to add more animals to our backyard. Seeing that we were in a subdivision, we did not think that our neighbors would appreciate a couple of pigs or a cow next door. That sparked our search for a little more land.

locally grown Rainbow Meadow Farms livestock rotationally graze about 300 acres of native grasses and small grain pastures on land that our family owns. The animals thrive on nutrient-rich, chemical-free pastures, enriched by the organic compost from the barns that we brood our baby chicks, farrow our baby pigs and lambs in. Each species in turn serves to better utilize the complete salad bar offering in the pastures, while enhancing the quality of and fertilizing those pastures. This rotational system is essential in producing quality meat products that are nutritionally dense, delicious in taste and contain many health benefits. The natural linoleic acid rich diet that our animals receive has been shown through numerous studies to promote heart health.
We have sought out and incorporated livestock breeds based upon their hardiness and ability to thrive on pasture as well as superior taste and tenderness. profile

Rainbow Meadow Farms


5382 mi

Rainbow Meadow Farms livestock rotationally graze about 300 acres of native grasses and small grain pastures on land that our family owns. The animals thrive on nutrient-rich, chemical-free pastures, enriched by the organic compost from the barns that we brood our baby chicks, farrow our baby pigs and lambs in. Each species in turn serves to better utilize the complete salad bar offering in the pastures, while enhancing the quality of and fertilizing those pastures. This rotational system is essential in producing quality meat products that are nutritionally dense, delicious in taste and contain many health benefits. The natural linoleic acid rich diet that our animals receive has been shown through numerous studies to promote heart health. We have sought out and incorporated livestock breeds based upon their hardiness and ability to thrive on pasture as well as superior taste and tenderness.

locally grown Brittany Ridge Farms is located in the eastern part of North Carolina.

Discover the perfect protein alternative with our lean and flavorful rabbit meat. Whether grilled, roasted, or stewed, Brittany Ridge Farms provides the freshest and most delicious rabbit for your next meal. 🥩👨‍🍳 profile

Brittany Ridge Farms


5382 mi

Brittany Ridge Farms is located in the eastern part of North Carolina. Discover the perfect protein alternative with our lean and flavorful rabbit meat. Whether grilled, roasted, or stewed, Brittany Ridge Farms provides the freshest and most delicious rabbit for your next meal. 🥩👨‍🍳


locally grown Shop NC Beef for Sale! Clean, lean, premium meats from our farm in central North Carolina to your table. 100% pasture raised beef products featuring cattle breeds Wagyu, Angus, & South Poll. Family owned & operated.

As small ranchers in central North Carolina, we have enjoyed our products for years now while also selling to the more lucrative beef market. It has become an annual practice of selecting one animal to remain on the farm, 100% grass fed that will be enjoyed by our family. Sharing an annual cow with friends and family has become one of our greatest gifts that our inner circle thoroughly enjoys. Seeing how much our friends and family enjoy our beef, we decided to branch out and share our products with the world! You will not regret investing in yourself by purchasing Clean Beef for you and your family! profile

Clean Beef & Co.


5382 mi

Shop NC Beef for Sale! Clean, lean, premium meats from our farm in central North Carolina to your table. 100% pasture raised beef products featuring cattle breeds Wagyu, Angus, & South Poll. Family owned & operated. As small ranchers in central North Carolina, we have enjoyed our products for years now while also selling to the more lucrative beef market. It has become an annual practice of selecting one animal to remain on the farm, 100% grass fed that will be enjoyed by our family. Sharing an annual cow with friends and family has become one of our greatest gifts that our inner circle thoroughly enjoys. Seeing how much our friends and family enjoy our beef, we decided to branch out and share our products with the world! You will not regret investing in yourself by purchasing Clean Beef for you and your family!

locally grown Started in 1905!
Our Story
Our business is rooted in a rich legacy of farming that spans generations and spans continents. Our story begins in Cuba, where our family was deeply ingrained in the art of agriculture. For years, we lovingly raised pigs, chickens, goats, and lambs, crafting a tradition of dedication, hard work, and the pursuit of excellence.

However, as history unfolded, we found ourselves at a crossroads when Fidel Castro rose to power. It was a challenging time for our family, but our commitment to farming remained unshaken. In the early seventies, we made the courageous decision to leave Cuba and embark on a new chapter in North Carolina. profile



5382 mi

Started in 1905! Our Story Our business is rooted in a rich legacy of farming that spans generations and spans continents. Our story begins in Cuba, where our family was deeply ingrained in the art of agriculture. For years, we lovingly raised pigs, chickens, goats, and lambs, crafting a tradition of dedication, hard work, and the pursuit of excellence. However, as history unfolded, we found ourselves at a crossroads when Fidel Castro rose to power. It was a challenging time for our family, but our commitment to farming remained unshaken. In the early seventies, we made the courageous decision to leave Cuba and embark on a new chapter in North Carolina.

locally grown Barbee Farms is proud to produce a wide variety of vegetables and fruit on our 70-acre family farm in agricultural use for over 100 years. profile

Barbee Farms


5382 mi

Barbee Farms is proud to produce a wide variety of vegetables and fruit on our 70-acre family farm in agricultural use for over 100 years.


locally grown Like most homesteading stories, it all started with some chickens. They're the gateway animal to homesteading. First came some chickens, then eggs, then more chickens, then meat chickens, then some dairy goats, then a cross country move to our own farm. 

Jessica runs the day-to-day operations on the farm. She comes up with the big ideas, creates the "honey-dos," crunches the numbers, manages the tech and cares for the animals. She loves homeschooling her girls and cooking fresh food for the family. Matt is the builder on the farm. He's handy at just about anything and is always working on a new project. Off of the farm he works as an electrical contractor. Our two girls, Estella and Elaina love playing outdoors and helping around the farm. Not pictured are Grandma and Grandpa E. They took a big chance on us and followed us across the country. They're building a house in the back 40 and are always around to lend a hand. Grandpa Jon is the primary farm hand and chief egg collector. profile

Evan’s Family Farm


5382 mi

Like most homesteading stories, it all started with some chickens. They're the gateway animal to homesteading. First came some chickens, then eggs, then more chickens, then meat chickens, then some dairy goats, then a cross country move to our own farm. Jessica runs the day-to-day operations on the farm. She comes up with the big ideas, creates the "honey-dos," crunches the numbers, manages the tech and cares for the animals. She loves homeschooling her girls and cooking fresh food for the family. Matt is the builder on the farm. He's handy at just about anything and is always working on a new project. Off of the farm he works as an electrical contractor. Our two girls, Estella and Elaina love playing outdoors and helping around the farm. Not pictured are Grandma and Grandpa E. They took a big chance on us and followed us across the country. They're building a house in the back 40 and are always around to lend a hand. Grandpa Jon is the primary farm hand and chief egg collector.

locally grown Hoffner Organic Farms is a family operated Certified Organic Dairy located in rural North Carolina. We are one of the first dairies in NC to become certified organic. In addition to being a dairy farm, we also offer organic beef. profile

Hoffner Organic Farm


5382 mi

Hoffner Organic Farms is a family operated Certified Organic Dairy located in rural North Carolina. We are one of the first dairies in NC to become certified organic. In addition to being a dairy farm, we also offer organic beef.


locally grown Bringing the cleanest and most nourishing food to our community. All of our livestock is raised without the use of any synthetic inputs (vaccinations or wormers. Our pork and eggs are supplemented with a fermented organic feed without corn or soy. Our beef and lamb is grass fed/finished. Our animals are raised in a regenerative setting to improve health and performance of the land . Follow us on Facebook for up to date information.  profile

Forgotten Ways Farm


5382 mi

Bringing the cleanest and most nourishing food to our community. All of our livestock is raised without the use of any synthetic inputs (vaccinations or wormers. Our pork and eggs are supplemented with a fermented organic feed without corn or soy. Our beef and lamb is grass fed/finished. Our animals are raised in a regenerative setting to improve health and performance of the land . Follow us on Facebook for up to date information.

locally grown We are a family owned and operated farm in Davie County.  We raise flowers, fruit and heritage pork and grass fed beef.  Our hogs are forested in the woods to provide the best tasting meat.  Flowers can be ordered by the bucket, bunch or bouquet. profile

Cedar House Farms, LLC


5382 mi

We are a family owned and operated farm in Davie County. We raise flowers, fruit and heritage pork and grass fed beef. Our hogs are forested in the woods to provide the best tasting meat. Flowers can be ordered by the bucket, bunch or bouquet.


locally grown Hannah Family Farm has been raising grass-fed, grass-finished, naturally raised Angus beef for over 15 years. Our farm began in a conventional way, back in 1964. We fed our family and surrounding area households, providing beef, pork, eggs, and vegetables. profile

Hannah Family Farm


5382 mi

Hannah Family Farm has been raising grass-fed, grass-finished, naturally raised Angus beef for over 15 years. Our farm began in a conventional way, back in 1964. We fed our family and surrounding area households, providing beef, pork, eggs, and vegetables.

locally grown We are a small, family farm located in Pittsboro, NC. The farm is stewarded by Ben Shields, Patricia Parker, and an amazing crew of local folks interested in starting their own farms someday. We often have the help of CSA members, other volunteers & interns around here & for that we are grateful! profile

In Good Heart Farm


5382 mi

We are a small, family farm located in Pittsboro, NC. The farm is stewarded by Ben Shields, Patricia Parker, and an amazing crew of local folks interested in starting their own farms someday. We often have the help of CSA members, other volunteers & interns around here & for that we are grateful!

locally grown We are passionate about raising quality beef that tastes great while also focusing on sustainability of both the land and the breed. Our cattle are silvopastured in our forested land and adjoining grass pastures. Silvopasturing is the intentional integrated management of trees, forage land and grazing livestock for their mutual benefit. In the fall, winter and early spring, their grazing is supplemented with hay, and throughout the year they receive alfalfa pellets, free choice minerals and kelp to increase their nutrition and health while keeping them free of commercial grain feeds.  profile

Chatco Cattle Company


5382 mi

We are passionate about raising quality beef that tastes great while also focusing on sustainability of both the land and the breed. Our cattle are silvopastured in our forested land and adjoining grass pastures. Silvopasturing is the intentional integrated management of trees, forage land and grazing livestock for their mutual benefit. In the fall, winter and early spring, their grazing is supplemented with hay, and throughout the year they receive alfalfa pellets, free choice minerals and kelp to increase their nutrition and health while keeping them free of commercial grain feeds.


locally grown Welcome to Hammonds Land & Cattle! We are a proud, multigenerational farming family based in the heart of central North Carolina. Our passion lies in locally-based and sustainable farming operations. 

We raise registered Irish Dexter cattle, known for their exceptional milk production and quality pasture-raised beef. Our cattle have been selected for their excellent disposition, conformation, superior meat quality, and milk A2/A2 genetics. Beef and dairy production are equally important to us.  All of our Dexter cattle are registered with the American Dexter Cattle Association.

In addition to our cattle, we produce delicious pasture-raised pork, all while prioritizing sustainable farming practices.  We prefer the heritage breed, Berkshire pig for their slow growth characteristic and rich tasting pork. 

Lastly, you can't have cattle, swine, and pastures without good-quality brown egg layers destroying your flower beds.

We are passionate about supporting small, independent family farms that prioritize caring for the land and livestock. To be transparent, we do actively participate in and support our family's 75+-year-old farm in Lumberton, NC, which operates a large-scale commercial cow/calf Black Angus and poultry operation. 

Join us on our journey to provide wholesome, high-quality products that nourish our community and honor the land we love. We're committed to delivering the best products and educating consumers or new growers along the way. profile

Hammonds Land & Cattle


5382 mi

Welcome to Hammonds Land & Cattle! We are a proud, multigenerational farming family based in the heart of central North Carolina. Our passion lies in locally-based and sustainable farming operations. We raise registered Irish Dexter cattle, known for their exceptional milk production and quality pasture-raised beef. Our cattle have been selected for their excellent disposition, conformation, superior meat quality, and milk A2/A2 genetics. Beef and dairy production are equally important to us. All of our Dexter cattle are registered with the American Dexter Cattle Association. In addition to our cattle, we produce delicious pasture-raised pork, all while prioritizing sustainable farming practices. We prefer the heritage breed, Berkshire pig for their slow growth characteristic and rich tasting pork. Lastly, you can't have cattle, swine, and pastures without good-quality brown egg layers destroying your flower beds. We are passionate about supporting small, independent family farms that prioritize caring for the land and livestock. To be transparent, we do actively participate in and support our family's 75+-year-old farm in Lumberton, NC, which operates a large-scale commercial cow/calf Black Angus and poultry operation. Join us on our journey to provide wholesome, high-quality products that nourish our community and honor the land we love. We're committed to delivering the best products and educating consumers or new growers along the way.

locally grown We're a small, family-owned farm in North Carolina serving Apex, Pittsboro, Cary, Chapel Hill, and surrounding communities. Our goal is to produce healthy, nutrient-dense food using regenerative and sustainable agricultural practices. profile

Leaning 7 Farms


5382 mi

We're a small, family-owned farm in North Carolina serving Apex, Pittsboro, Cary, Chapel Hill, and surrounding communities. Our goal is to produce healthy, nutrient-dense food using regenerative and sustainable agricultural practices.

locally grown Farming is not just a way of producing crops to make money, it is also a way of living.

Our Objectives,

Natural & Traditional Farming: Produce organic vegetables and farms products with naturally available compost, cow manure and traditional bio dynamic method. No use of harmful chemical based fertilizers and pesticides.
Fresh & Healthy: Provide fresh and healthy vegetables to our family, friends, local and extended communities directly from our farm.
Awareness & Learning: Provide natural farming awareness and knowledge to our kids, so that, our traditional natural farming will be carried over to future generations.
Improve & Sustain: Make natural organic farming into financially sustainable by using simple and cost efficient method with reasonable selling price.
So, eat fresh and healthy vegetables by supporting us. profile



5382 mi

Farming is not just a way of producing crops to make money, it is also a way of living. Our Objectives, Natural & Traditional Farming: Produce organic vegetables and farms products with naturally available compost, cow manure and traditional bio dynamic method. No use of harmful chemical based fertilizers and pesticides. Fresh & Healthy: Provide fresh and healthy vegetables to our family, friends, local and extended communities directly from our farm. Awareness & Learning: Provide natural farming awareness and knowledge to our kids, so that, our traditional natural farming will be carried over to future generations. Improve & Sustain: Make natural organic farming into financially sustainable by using simple and cost efficient method with reasonable selling price. So, eat fresh and healthy vegetables by supporting us.

locally grown We are Apple Family Farm located in Kernersville, NC located a short distance from I-40. We provide a family friendly atmosphere with affordable prices. Let us be your one stop shop for your family.  profile

Apple Family Farm

5382 mi

We are Apple Family Farm located in Kernersville, NC located a short distance from I-40. We provide a family friendly atmosphere with affordable prices. Let us be your one stop shop for your family.

locally grown Piedmont Agrarian Collaborative is a new collaboration of small family farmers in North Carolina's central Piedmont, centered around a cluster of farms near Saxapahaw, who are joining acres together to provide you with the highest quality produce, pastured meats, and value-added products. We currently have weekly online sales available at a downtown Durham drop point on Thursday afternoons (3-5pm), developed in collaboration with American Underground, and for on-farm pickup at Pont Reading Farm in Oaks, near Saxapahaw, on Friday morning (10am-Noon).

Please place your weekly orders online here before midnight Wednesday night, and be sure to specify your preferred drop point using the dropdown menu at the top-right hand of your shopping basket's page. There are no seasonal commitments; order precisely what you'd like a la carte each week.

At our farms -- which include Pont Reading Farm, the Henry Farm, Eat Dirt Farm, Farmbelly, Machaven Farm, Dinner Bell Farm, Braeburn Farm, and Red Tail Grains -- we believe healthy soils produce delicious, nutritionally dense, healthy food. To build soil health, we follow no-till, regenerative, agroecological principles. Although not certified organic, all our produce is grown without synthetical chemical inputs or sprays. We use cover crops between plantings, rotate livestock through growing areas, and diversify the crops we are growing -- and our farms are situated in woodland settings, creating vibrant "agroforestry" landscapes teeming with pollinators and biodiversity. Our animals all have access to the great outdoors, on pasture and in woodlands. We also grow all year round, including through the winter. This means that the food you are buying is fresh, local, and of the highest quality. 

Our focus is not only on growing quality food and regenerating soils and landscapes but also on building community together while we're at it. We will be opening our farmer-led food hub in Burlington in summer 2024, in collaboration with our hosts at TS Designs, whose naturally dyed Black Walnut t-shirts, produced "dirt to shirt" all within the Carolinas, we are also pleased to sell. Please join us for a launch party on Friday, June 7, from 4 to 7pm, at 2053 Willow Springs Lane, Burlington, NC 27215 -- to learn more. This will be the first of many in-person farm-to-feast events the collaborative will be regularly doing.

Please contact us with any questions or to get more deeply involved, via farm@pontreading.com. profile

Piedmont Agrarian Collaborative


5382 mi

Piedmont Agrarian Collaborative is a new collaboration of small family farmers in North Carolina's central Piedmont, centered around a cluster of farms near Saxapahaw, who are joining acres together to provide you with the highest quality produce, pastured meats, and value-added products. We currently have weekly online sales available at a downtown Durham drop point on Thursday afternoons (3-5pm), developed in collaboration with American Underground, and for on-farm pickup at Pont Reading Farm in Oaks, near Saxapahaw, on Friday morning (10am-Noon). Please place your weekly orders online here before midnight Wednesday night, and be sure to specify your preferred drop point using the dropdown menu at the top-right hand of your shopping basket's page. There are no seasonal commitments; order precisely what you'd like a la carte each week. At our farms -- which include Pont Reading Farm, the Henry Farm, Eat Dirt Farm, Farmbelly, Machaven Farm, Dinner Bell Farm, Braeburn Farm, and Red Tail Grains -- we believe healthy soils produce delicious, nutritionally dense, healthy food. To build soil health, we follow no-till, regenerative, agroecological principles. Although not certified organic, all our produce is grown without synthetical chemical inputs or sprays. We use cover crops between plantings, rotate livestock through growing areas, and diversify the crops we are growing -- and our farms are situated in woodland settings, creating vibrant "agroforestry" landscapes teeming with pollinators and biodiversity. Our animals all have access to the great outdoors, on pasture and in woodlands. We also grow all year round, including through the winter. This means that the food you are buying is fresh, local, and of the highest quality. Our focus is not only on growing quality food and regenerating soils and landscapes but also on building community together while we're at it. We will be opening our farmer-led food hub in Burlington in summer 2024, in collaboration with our hosts at TS Designs, whose naturally dyed Black Walnut t-shirts, produced "dirt to shirt" all within the Carolinas, we are also pleased to sell. Please join us for a launch party on Friday, June 7, from 4 to 7pm, at 2053 Willow Springs Lane, Burlington, NC 27215 -- to learn more. This will be the first of many in-person farm-to-feast events the collaborative will be regularly doing. Please contact us with any questions or to get more deeply involved, via [email protected].

locally grown Armstrong Farms began in 2009 with the marriage of Austin and Jessica. While they had already been raising lambs, they began to diversify and follow more strict management practices to ensure the best quality of the meats that they were producing.  profile

Armstrong Artisan Farm


5382 mi

Armstrong Farms began in 2009 with the marriage of Austin and Jessica. While they had already been raising lambs, they began to diversify and follow more strict management practices to ensure the best quality of the meats that they were producing.

locally grown We are a family farm located in Snow Camp, NC.  We raise chicken, lamb, and quail.  We provide various cuts of chicken, lamb, and also quail and chicken eggs.   profile

Triple Arrow Farm

5382 mi

We are a family farm located in Snow Camp, NC. We raise chicken, lamb, and quail. We provide various cuts of chicken, lamb, and also quail and chicken eggs.


locally grown We are a family farm located in Snow Camp, NC.  We raise chicken, lamb, and quail.  We provide various cuts of chicken, lamb, and also quail and chicken eggs.   profile

Triple Arrow Farm


5382 mi

We are a family farm located in Snow Camp, NC. We raise chicken, lamb, and quail. We provide various cuts of chicken, lamb, and also quail and chicken eggs.

locally grown Hi! We are Jess and Andy Shaver, the founders of Haven Farm in Orange County, NC.

Haven Farm wants to bring more health and joy to the world, and contribute to healing land and soil by providing a life-giving product to our community. We invite you to join with us!

Fundamentally, we believe in the importance of land and soil stewardship, and the proper use of that land and forest for local community purposes. Grass and woodland management with animals is a very good way to do just that – if done right. We believe that the food and land use systems in America are broken and as result of that brokenness: humans are being deprived of health and joy; the land deprived of care; wildlife deprived of habitat; livestock animals deprived of a life as intended.

Here at Haven Farm, our practices reflect our convictions and the knowledge that change for the better is possible.


Haven Farm NC


5382 mi

Hi! We are Jess and Andy Shaver, the founders of Haven Farm in Orange County, NC. Haven Farm wants to bring more health and joy to the world, and contribute to healing land and soil by providing a life-giving product to our community. We invite you to join with us! Fundamentally, we believe in the importance of land and soil stewardship, and the proper use of that land and forest for local community purposes. Grass and woodland management with animals is a very good way to do just that – if done right. We believe that the food and land use systems in America are broken and as result of that brokenness: humans are being deprived of health and joy; the land deprived of care; wildlife deprived of habitat; livestock animals deprived of a life as intended. Here at Haven Farm, our practices reflect our convictions and the knowledge that change for the better is possible.

locally grown Blawesome is a Chapel Hill-based flower farm and design studio that offers beautiful, locally grown, organic arrangements. Our farm is owned and co-operated by a young man living with autism. When you buy flowers from Blawesome, you are taking part in a celebration of the beauty and uniqueness of both flowers and humanity. profile

Blawesome, LLC


5382 mi

Blawesome is a Chapel Hill-based flower farm and design studio that offers beautiful, locally grown, organic arrangements. Our farm is owned and co-operated by a young man living with autism. When you buy flowers from Blawesome, you are taking part in a celebration of the beauty and uniqueness of both flowers and humanity.

locally grown Minka Farm is a family-owned farm raising a wide variety of food.  We strive to raise food in harmony with nature's plan: All of our animals are raised outdoors in situations that allow them to display their natural behaviors.  This includes: 100% grassfed beef*, pastured pork*, pastured chicken, pastured goat & lamb meats, and pastured duck & chicken eggs*. Our fruits and vegetables are raised without chemicals and fertilized with properly composted manure from our own farm. profile

Minka Farm


5382 mi

Minka Farm is a family-owned farm raising a wide variety of food. We strive to raise food in harmony with nature's plan: All of our animals are raised outdoors in situations that allow them to display their natural behaviors. This includes: 100% grassfed beef*, pastured pork*, pastured chicken, pastured goat & lamb meats, and pastured duck & chicken eggs*. Our fruits and vegetables are raised without chemicals and fertilized with properly composted manure from our own farm.

locally grown My farm is dedicated to growing bees in our communities while bringing to market the most amazing honey that is both unadulterated and raw. profile

West Orange Farms


5382 mi

My farm is dedicated to growing bees in our communities while bringing to market the most amazing honey that is both unadulterated and raw.

locally grown Our cattle herd peacefully graze about 2300 acres of grassland that has high-quality, high-protein grasses that are free of chemicals. We process grass-finished steers each week at a USDA Inspected Processor. Sides are dry-aged and vacuum packaged into kitchen-ready individual cuts. It is freshly frozen which is excellent for home freezer storage. 

The end result is a delicious, all-natural, lean beef, with many hidden health benefits. The perfect beef for good health. profile

Baldwin Beef


5382 mi

Our cattle herd peacefully graze about 2300 acres of grassland that has high-quality, high-protein grasses that are free of chemicals. We process grass-finished steers each week at a USDA Inspected Processor. Sides are dry-aged and vacuum packaged into kitchen-ready individual cuts. It is freshly frozen which is excellent for home freezer storage. The end result is a delicious, all-natural, lean beef, with many hidden health benefits. The perfect beef for good health.

locally grown Berkshire Forest Farm is a pasture-raised pig farm using regenerative practices. The farm supplies Berkshire piglets specifically bred to thrive on a high pasture diet to farmers throughout the Eastern U.S  profile

Berkshire Forest Farm


5382 mi

Berkshire Forest Farm is a pasture-raised pig farm using regenerative practices. The farm supplies Berkshire piglets specifically bred to thrive on a high pasture diet to farmers throughout the Eastern U.S

locally grown Country Village Farms is a Veteran and Family owned farm designed to raise great food locally. profile

Country Village Farms LLC


5382 mi

Country Village Farms is a Veteran and Family owned farm designed to raise great food locally.


locally grown In 2015,  Brian Gongloff discovered his low energy was due to a number of food allergies and sensitivities that restricted how he was absorbing nutrients. He learned he was allergic or sensitive to a long list of foods including meat, eggs and dairy. What do you do if you find out you can no longer eat any beef products due to an allergy? If you’re Brian Gongloff, you decide to focus on the foods you can eat, and eat the best quality you can find, even if that means growing your own.

In 2020, after raising a small flock of American Bresse chickens for himself and his family, and tasting the superior flavor and texture in these rare birds, Gongloff decided to produce as many chickens as possible for his own consumption and to share with others who also value top quality, locally grown, non-gmo, sustainable meat.

fat chicken farm blue sky
What was once something to do on a whim became a hobby, then a lifestyle and a passion. Brian now has hundreds of American Bresse chickens on more than fourteen acres of pasture. With four lines of breeding stock, selected for size, fertility, vigor and traits, Brian hatches weekly for his own flock and for sale to others who are passionate about raising their own sustainable flock while working to improve the Bresse breed.

If you know about chickens, you know about chicken math and what started with 20 chickens has become hundreds.  We have 4 breeding lines that live in extra large coops with runs next to our garden. Our birds raised for meat and our capons go out to the field to live in tractors on pasture. We currently have 4 tractors and are building more.  profile

Fat Chicken Farm


5382 mi

In 2015, Brian Gongloff discovered his low energy was due to a number of food allergies and sensitivities that restricted how he was absorbing nutrients. He learned he was allergic or sensitive to a long list of foods including meat, eggs and dairy. What do you do if you find out you can no longer eat any beef products due to an allergy? If you’re Brian Gongloff, you decide to focus on the foods you can eat, and eat the best quality you can find, even if that means growing your own. In 2020, after raising a small flock of American Bresse chickens for himself and his family, and tasting the superior flavor and texture in these rare birds, Gongloff decided to produce as many chickens as possible for his own consumption and to share with others who also value top quality, locally grown, non-gmo, sustainable meat. fat chicken farm blue sky What was once something to do on a whim became a hobby, then a lifestyle and a passion. Brian now has hundreds of American Bresse chickens on more than fourteen acres of pasture. With four lines of breeding stock, selected for size, fertility, vigor and traits, Brian hatches weekly for his own flock and for sale to others who are passionate about raising their own sustainable flock while working to improve the Bresse breed. If you know about chickens, you know about chicken math and what started with 20 chickens has become hundreds. We have 4 breeding lines that live in extra large coops with runs next to our garden. Our birds raised for meat and our capons go out to the field to live in tractors on pasture. We currently have 4 tractors and are building more.

locally grown The 7 Log Farms was founded in 2021 with the simple idea of clearing the woods in our yard. Instead of using heavy machinery we decided to begin a fun family venture by utilizing livestock and regenerative practices. We used small ruminants to clear the foliage and pigs to till up and clear the ground. We then rotated free range chickens on the newly cleared ground and allowed them to sow and fertilize our seed. By using this practice, we turned old growth forage into lush silva pasture. 
We have since expanded our small operation to two other properties where we continue to grow livestock using free range and rotational grazing practices. 
7LF is now USDA certified to sell and ship our products anywhere in the nation. We are currently selling packaged pork, lamb, and free range eggs.  profile

7 Log Farm


5382 mi

The 7 Log Farms was founded in 2021 with the simple idea of clearing the woods in our yard. Instead of using heavy machinery we decided to begin a fun family venture by utilizing livestock and regenerative practices. We used small ruminants to clear the foliage and pigs to till up and clear the ground. We then rotated free range chickens on the newly cleared ground and allowed them to sow and fertilize our seed. By using this practice, we turned old growth forage into lush silva pasture. We have since expanded our small operation to two other properties where we continue to grow livestock using free range and rotational grazing practices. 7LF is now USDA certified to sell and ship our products anywhere in the nation. We are currently selling packaged pork, lamb, and free range eggs.

locally grown We are a family farm operation that specializes in raising high quality pork & beef products. We sell retail products like you would find in the grocery store and we also do portions as well (1/4, 1/2, and whole animals).  profile

CX Meat Company


5382 mi

We are a family farm operation that specializes in raising high quality pork & beef products. We sell retail products like you would find in the grocery store and we also do portions as well (1/4, 1/2, and whole animals).

locally grown Hi! We are a small organic chestnut orchard located in Pelion, South Carolina.  We are a proud member of Chestnut Growers of America, LLC and certified South Carolina grown.  Our harvest of chestnuts is in the fall usually starting in September and last a couple of months.  profile

Meador Acres Chestnuts, LLC.


5382 mi

Hi! We are a small organic chestnut orchard located in Pelion, South Carolina. We are a proud member of Chestnut Growers of America, LLC and certified South Carolina grown. Our harvest of chestnuts is in the fall usually starting in September and last a couple of months.

locally grown We are a regenerative agriculture farm we raise chickens and cattle. profile

Stabler family farms


5382 mi

We are a regenerative agriculture farm we raise chickens and cattle.

locally grown We are a regenerative agriculture farm we raise chickens and cattle. profile

Stabler family farms


5382 mi

We are a regenerative agriculture farm we raise chickens and cattle.

locally grown We produce professionally grown cut flowers for local florists and event planners, as well as DIY buckets for weddings, church flowers, and bouquets upon request.   profile

One Hubcap Farm, LLC


5382 mi

We produce professionally grown cut flowers for local florists and event planners, as well as DIY buckets for weddings, church flowers, and bouquets upon request.

locally grown We're a small farm located in Blythewood, SC. We have nearly two acres of intensively cultivated land. We specialize in a variety of crops for our CSA. Our Spring (March 20- May 8) and Fall (October 2 - November 20) CSA's are 8 weeks long. Our Summer CSA (June 12 - August 14) is 10 weeks long. Members can expect 5-8 different organically-grown crops in a box each week. A box can feed 2-4 people. You can find more details on our website: firstfruitssc.com  profile

First Fruits


5382 mi

We're a small farm located in Blythewood, SC. We have nearly two acres of intensively cultivated land. We specialize in a variety of crops for our CSA. Our Spring (March 20- May 8) and Fall (October 2 - November 20) CSA's are 8 weeks long. Our Summer CSA (June 12 - August 14) is 10 weeks long. Members can expect 5-8 different organically-grown crops in a box each week. A box can feed 2-4 people. You can find more details on our website: firstfruitssc.com

locally grown We raise Brahman and Brahman-influenced cattle for seedstock as well as farm-to-table beef.  We offer heifers and steers for sale as well as whole, half, and quarter beef shares.  We also sell individual beef cuts, when available.  Please feel free to visit our website for more information.  We love questions, and would be happy to schedule a time for you to come see our farm and meet our cows!  profile

Palmetto Springs Cattle Co.


5382 mi

We raise Brahman and Brahman-influenced cattle for seedstock as well as farm-to-table beef. We offer heifers and steers for sale as well as whole, half, and quarter beef shares. We also sell individual beef cuts, when available. Please feel free to visit our website for more information. We love questions, and would be happy to schedule a time for you to come see our farm and meet our cows!

locally grown Paradise Acres Farm is a small family farm dedicated to producing fresh and naturally grown fruits, vegetables, eggs (chicken, duck, and turkey), chicken, turkey, duck, and goat for the local community.  profile

Paradise Acres Farm


5382 mi

Paradise Acres Farm is a small family farm dedicated to producing fresh and naturally grown fruits, vegetables, eggs (chicken, duck, and turkey), chicken, turkey, duck, and goat for the local community.

Locally grown logo

Locally grown believes in fostering sustainable and responsible food choices.

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Releigh, NC

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locally grown What began as an escape from Urban life to a more rural area slowly developed into a passion for sustainability and creating a healthy environment to call home. Starting slowly with chickens and gardening we have grown into raising beef cattle, pasture raised pork and eggs as well as blackberries. As we have grown we are now able to share our "goodness" with others on a broader scale. Our mission is simple, to provide quality food for our family and others. We strive to give back to the earth through the use of farming techniques that build the soil such as rotational grazing and silvopasture. profile

R&B Rhyne Farm


5382 mi

locally grown Acorn Acres Farmstead is a pasture based, regenerative livestock farm raising pigs, chickens, ducks, and geese. Our animals live their best lives roaming freely through our pastures and wood lots in the fresh air and sunshine. Our animals never receive subtherapeutic antibiotics, hormones, or feed additives. We also source our Non GMO supplemental feed from a local mill to give our animals a well balanced diet. We offer a full range of pork products from pork chops to sausage. We also have bulk packages and bbq pigs available. Our chicken is offered as whole birds and individual cuts such as boneless, skinless breasts and party wings. Our pasture based laying flock provides us with farm fresh chicken and duck eggs for sale. Let us help you feel good about what you put on your table to feed your family. profile

Acorn Acres Farmstead


5382 mi

locally grown We grow our veggies using three main sustainable hydroponic techniques; nutrient film technique (nft), bato bucket, and deep water culture systems. These systems allow us to be really stingy with water and very precise with nutrients and pH. The result is exceptionally good growth and taste with very little water use- basically what is lost through the leaves of the plants. We add to the sustainability of the farm with a recirculating aquaculture system where we raise fish in tanks of fresh water. 

In this system, we feed the fish a high protein diet that supports vigorous growth. The fish process this feed and generate ammonia and solid waste as a byproduct. We filter the solid waste out of the water and compost it to create nutrients that are then utilized in the hydroponic systems. We also filter the water in the fish system with a biological filter that converts the ammonia created by the fish into nitrates that are perfect for growing leafy greens in our deep water culture where the veggies remove the nitrates helping to keep the water clean and healthy for the fish. It's a very symbiotic process that is highly sustainable. We further added to our sustainability with a solar array and battery backup. This allows us to generate more electricity than we currently use while ensuring all of our life support systems stay up and running. profile

In Season Aquaponics


5382 mi

locally grown From our farm we sell beef, pork and eggs. Our beef and pork comes from cows and hogs that are pasture raised on the farm or locally sourced from other farmers with similar farming practices. Our beef and pork is processed in an ethical manner by local NC inspected meat processing facilities and is packaged and frozen for customer convenience. Our eggs are cage free and are collected daily from hens that live here on our farm. profile

Wood Angus Farm


5382 mi

locally grown Smith's Nursery is a family owned and operated wholesale nursery and produce farm operating in Johnston County, NC for over 30 years.  We are a NC Certified Roadside Farm Market and Pick-Your-Own Berry Farm specializing in strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, and pumpkins.  Smith's Nursery offers over 13 acres of container grown plants including shrubs, trees, and perennials.  profile

Smith's Nursery, Inc.


5382 mi

locally grown Five J’s is a multigenerational Family Farm. We raise all natural, pasture raised beef and pork. profile

Five J's Farm


5382 mi

locally grown We are a regenerative urban farm located in the historic district of downtown Garner open Mon-Sat for pickups. We organically grow specialty crops including microgreens, all types of leafy greens and other produce as well as one of the most substantial varieties of  edible flowers locally.  profile

Sweet Peas Urban Gardens


5382 mi

locally grown We are a small family farm located in Knightdale, NC, dedicated to providing our community with high-quality, locally grown beef, pork and produce. By incorporating innovative farming practices while remaining true to our roots we achieve land management, increased production and the highest quality products for our customers. We take great pride in growing and raising products that reflect previous, current and future generations of our farm. Our farm is more than just a career it is our families heritage. profile

Pope Farms


5382 mi

locally grown We started raising chickens and growing some vegtables and flowers in square foot gardens in the backyard of our home in Knightdale, NC. Our intent was to grow some of our own food.  We wanted to get back to basics. As we grew to enjoy our chickens, we started to wonder if we would be able to add more animals to our backyard.  Seeing that we were in a subdivision, we did not think that our neighbors would appreciate a couple of pigs or a cow next door.  That sparked our search for a little more land.  profile

Fuster Cluck Farm


5382 mi

locally grown Rainbow Meadow Farms livestock rotationally graze about 300 acres of native grasses and small grain pastures on land that our family owns. The animals thrive on nutrient-rich, chemical-free pastures, enriched by the organic compost from the barns that we brood our baby chicks, farrow our baby pigs and lambs in. Each species in turn serves to better utilize the complete salad bar offering in the pastures, while enhancing the quality of and fertilizing those pastures. This rotational system is essential in producing quality meat products that are nutritionally dense, delicious in taste and contain many health benefits. The natural linoleic acid rich diet that our animals receive has been shown through numerous studies to promote heart health.
We have sought out and incorporated livestock breeds based upon their hardiness and ability to thrive on pasture as well as superior taste and tenderness. profile

Rainbow Meadow Farms


5382 mi

locally grown Brittany Ridge Farms is located in the eastern part of North Carolina.

Discover the perfect protein alternative with our lean and flavorful rabbit meat. Whether grilled, roasted, or stewed, Brittany Ridge Farms provides the freshest and most delicious rabbit for your next meal. 🥩👨‍🍳 profile

Brittany Ridge Farms


5382 mi

locally grown Shop NC Beef for Sale! Clean, lean, premium meats from our farm in central North Carolina to your table. 100% pasture raised beef products featuring cattle breeds Wagyu, Angus, & South Poll. Family owned & operated.

As small ranchers in central North Carolina, we have enjoyed our products for years now while also selling to the more lucrative beef market. It has become an annual practice of selecting one animal to remain on the farm, 100% grass fed that will be enjoyed by our family. Sharing an annual cow with friends and family has become one of our greatest gifts that our inner circle thoroughly enjoys. Seeing how much our friends and family enjoy our beef, we decided to branch out and share our products with the world! You will not regret investing in yourself by purchasing Clean Beef for you and your family! profile

Clean Beef & Co.


5382 mi

locally grown Started in 1905!
Our Story
Our business is rooted in a rich legacy of farming that spans generations and spans continents. Our story begins in Cuba, where our family was deeply ingrained in the art of agriculture. For years, we lovingly raised pigs, chickens, goats, and lambs, crafting a tradition of dedication, hard work, and the pursuit of excellence.

However, as history unfolded, we found ourselves at a crossroads when Fidel Castro rose to power. It was a challenging time for our family, but our commitment to farming remained unshaken. In the early seventies, we made the courageous decision to leave Cuba and embark on a new chapter in North Carolina. profile



5382 mi

locally grown Barbee Farms is proud to produce a wide variety of vegetables and fruit on our 70-acre family farm in agricultural use for over 100 years. profile

Barbee Farms


5382 mi

locally grown Like most homesteading stories, it all started with some chickens. They're the gateway animal to homesteading. First came some chickens, then eggs, then more chickens, then meat chickens, then some dairy goats, then a cross country move to our own farm. 

Jessica runs the day-to-day operations on the farm. She comes up with the big ideas, creates the "honey-dos," crunches the numbers, manages the tech and cares for the animals. She loves homeschooling her girls and cooking fresh food for the family. Matt is the builder on the farm. He's handy at just about anything and is always working on a new project. Off of the farm he works as an electrical contractor. Our two girls, Estella and Elaina love playing outdoors and helping around the farm. Not pictured are Grandma and Grandpa E. They took a big chance on us and followed us across the country. They're building a house in the back 40 and are always around to lend a hand. Grandpa Jon is the primary farm hand and chief egg collector. profile

Evan’s Family Farm


5382 mi

locally grown Hoffner Organic Farms is a family operated Certified Organic Dairy located in rural North Carolina. We are one of the first dairies in NC to become certified organic. In addition to being a dairy farm, we also offer organic beef. profile

Hoffner Organic Farm


5382 mi

locally grown Bringing the cleanest and most nourishing food to our community. All of our livestock is raised without the use of any synthetic inputs (vaccinations or wormers. Our pork and eggs are supplemented with a fermented organic feed without corn or soy. Our beef and lamb is grass fed/finished. Our animals are raised in a regenerative setting to improve health and performance of the land . Follow us on Facebook for up to date information.  profile

Forgotten Ways Farm


5382 mi

locally grown We are a family owned and operated farm in Davie County.  We raise flowers, fruit and heritage pork and grass fed beef.  Our hogs are forested in the woods to provide the best tasting meat.  Flowers can be ordered by the bucket, bunch or bouquet. profile

Cedar House Farms, LLC


5382 mi

locally grown Hannah Family Farm has been raising grass-fed, grass-finished, naturally raised Angus beef for over 15 years. Our farm began in a conventional way, back in 1964. We fed our family and surrounding area households, providing beef, pork, eggs, and vegetables. profile

Hannah Family Farm


5382 mi

locally grown We are a small, family farm located in Pittsboro, NC. The farm is stewarded by Ben Shields, Patricia Parker, and an amazing crew of local folks interested in starting their own farms someday. We often have the help of CSA members, other volunteers & interns around here & for that we are grateful! profile

In Good Heart Farm


5382 mi

locally grown We are passionate about raising quality beef that tastes great while also focusing on sustainability of both the land and the breed. Our cattle are silvopastured in our forested land and adjoining grass pastures. Silvopasturing is the intentional integrated management of trees, forage land and grazing livestock for their mutual benefit. In the fall, winter and early spring, their grazing is supplemented with hay, and throughout the year they receive alfalfa pellets, free choice minerals and kelp to increase their nutrition and health while keeping them free of commercial grain feeds.  profile

Chatco Cattle Company


5382 mi

locally grown Welcome to Hammonds Land & Cattle! We are a proud, multigenerational farming family based in the heart of central North Carolina. Our passion lies in locally-based and sustainable farming operations. 

We raise registered Irish Dexter cattle, known for their exceptional milk production and quality pasture-raised beef. Our cattle have been selected for their excellent disposition, conformation, superior meat quality, and milk A2/A2 genetics. Beef and dairy production are equally important to us.  All of our Dexter cattle are registered with the American Dexter Cattle Association.

In addition to our cattle, we produce delicious pasture-raised pork, all while prioritizing sustainable farming practices.  We prefer the heritage breed, Berkshire pig for their slow growth characteristic and rich tasting pork. 

Lastly, you can't have cattle, swine, and pastures without good-quality brown egg layers destroying your flower beds.

We are passionate about supporting small, independent family farms that prioritize caring for the land and livestock. To be transparent, we do actively participate in and support our family's 75+-year-old farm in Lumberton, NC, which operates a large-scale commercial cow/calf Black Angus and poultry operation. 

Join us on our journey to provide wholesome, high-quality products that nourish our community and honor the land we love. We're committed to delivering the best products and educating consumers or new growers along the way. profile

Hammonds Land & Cattle


5382 mi

locally grown We're a small, family-owned farm in North Carolina serving Apex, Pittsboro, Cary, Chapel Hill, and surrounding communities. Our goal is to produce healthy, nutrient-dense food using regenerative and sustainable agricultural practices. profile

Leaning 7 Farms


5382 mi

locally grown Farming is not just a way of producing crops to make money, it is also a way of living.

Our Objectives,

Natural & Traditional Farming: Produce organic vegetables and farms products with naturally available compost, cow manure and traditional bio dynamic method. No use of harmful chemical based fertilizers and pesticides.
Fresh & Healthy: Provide fresh and healthy vegetables to our family, friends, local and extended communities directly from our farm.
Awareness & Learning: Provide natural farming awareness and knowledge to our kids, so that, our traditional natural farming will be carried over to future generations.
Improve & Sustain: Make natural organic farming into financially sustainable by using simple and cost efficient method with reasonable selling price.
So, eat fresh and healthy vegetables by supporting us. profile



5382 mi

locally grown We are Apple Family Farm located in Kernersville, NC located a short distance from I-40. We provide a family friendly atmosphere with affordable prices. Let us be your one stop shop for your family.  profile

Apple Family Farm

5382 mi

locally grown Piedmont Agrarian Collaborative is a new collaboration of small family farmers in North Carolina's central Piedmont, centered around a cluster of farms near Saxapahaw, who are joining acres together to provide you with the highest quality produce, pastured meats, and value-added products. We currently have weekly online sales available at a downtown Durham drop point on Thursday afternoons (3-5pm), developed in collaboration with American Underground, and for on-farm pickup at Pont Reading Farm in Oaks, near Saxapahaw, on Friday morning (10am-Noon).

Please place your weekly orders online here before midnight Wednesday night, and be sure to specify your preferred drop point using the dropdown menu at the top-right hand of your shopping basket's page. There are no seasonal commitments; order precisely what you'd like a la carte each week.

At our farms -- which include Pont Reading Farm, the Henry Farm, Eat Dirt Farm, Farmbelly, Machaven Farm, Dinner Bell Farm, Braeburn Farm, and Red Tail Grains -- we believe healthy soils produce delicious, nutritionally dense, healthy food. To build soil health, we follow no-till, regenerative, agroecological principles. Although not certified organic, all our produce is grown without synthetical chemical inputs or sprays. We use cover crops between plantings, rotate livestock through growing areas, and diversify the crops we are growing -- and our farms are situated in woodland settings, creating vibrant "agroforestry" landscapes teeming with pollinators and biodiversity. Our animals all have access to the great outdoors, on pasture and in woodlands. We also grow all year round, including through the winter. This means that the food you are buying is fresh, local, and of the highest quality. 

Our focus is not only on growing quality food and regenerating soils and landscapes but also on building community together while we're at it. We will be opening our farmer-led food hub in Burlington in summer 2024, in collaboration with our hosts at TS Designs, whose naturally dyed Black Walnut t-shirts, produced "dirt to shirt" all within the Carolinas, we are also pleased to sell. Please join us for a launch party on Friday, June 7, from 4 to 7pm, at 2053 Willow Springs Lane, Burlington, NC 27215 -- to learn more. This will be the first of many in-person farm-to-feast events the collaborative will be regularly doing.

Please contact us with any questions or to get more deeply involved, via farm@pontreading.com. profile

Piedmont Agrarian Collaborative


5382 mi

locally grown Armstrong Farms began in 2009 with the marriage of Austin and Jessica. While they had already been raising lambs, they began to diversify and follow more strict management practices to ensure the best quality of the meats that they were producing.  profile

Armstrong Artisan Farm


5382 mi

locally grown We are a family farm located in Snow Camp, NC.  We raise chicken, lamb, and quail.  We provide various cuts of chicken, lamb, and also quail and chicken eggs.   profile

Triple Arrow Farm

5382 mi

locally grown We are a family farm located in Snow Camp, NC.  We raise chicken, lamb, and quail.  We provide various cuts of chicken, lamb, and also quail and chicken eggs.   profile

Triple Arrow Farm


5382 mi

locally grown Hi! We are Jess and Andy Shaver, the founders of Haven Farm in Orange County, NC.

Haven Farm wants to bring more health and joy to the world, and contribute to healing land and soil by providing a life-giving product to our community. We invite you to join with us!

Fundamentally, we believe in the importance of land and soil stewardship, and the proper use of that land and forest for local community purposes. Grass and woodland management with animals is a very good way to do just that – if done right. We believe that the food and land use systems in America are broken and as result of that brokenness: humans are being deprived of health and joy; the land deprived of care; wildlife deprived of habitat; livestock animals deprived of a life as intended.

Here at Haven Farm, our practices reflect our convictions and the knowledge that change for the better is possible.


Haven Farm NC


5382 mi

locally grown Blawesome is a Chapel Hill-based flower farm and design studio that offers beautiful, locally grown, organic arrangements. Our farm is owned and co-operated by a young man living with autism. When you buy flowers from Blawesome, you are taking part in a celebration of the beauty and uniqueness of both flowers and humanity. profile

Blawesome, LLC


5382 mi

locally grown Minka Farm is a family-owned farm raising a wide variety of food.  We strive to raise food in harmony with nature's plan: All of our animals are raised outdoors in situations that allow them to display their natural behaviors.  This includes: 100% grassfed beef*, pastured pork*, pastured chicken, pastured goat & lamb meats, and pastured duck & chicken eggs*. Our fruits and vegetables are raised without chemicals and fertilized with properly composted manure from our own farm. profile

Minka Farm


5382 mi

locally grown My farm is dedicated to growing bees in our communities while bringing to market the most amazing honey that is both unadulterated and raw. profile

West Orange Farms


5382 mi

locally grown Our cattle herd peacefully graze about 2300 acres of grassland that has high-quality, high-protein grasses that are free of chemicals. We process grass-finished steers each week at a USDA Inspected Processor. Sides are dry-aged and vacuum packaged into kitchen-ready individual cuts. It is freshly frozen which is excellent for home freezer storage. 

The end result is a delicious, all-natural, lean beef, with many hidden health benefits. The perfect beef for good health. profile

Baldwin Beef


5382 mi

locally grown Berkshire Forest Farm is a pasture-raised pig farm using regenerative practices. The farm supplies Berkshire piglets specifically bred to thrive on a high pasture diet to farmers throughout the Eastern U.S  profile

Berkshire Forest Farm


5382 mi

locally grown Country Village Farms is a Veteran and Family owned farm designed to raise great food locally. profile

Country Village Farms LLC


5382 mi

locally grown In 2015,  Brian Gongloff discovered his low energy was due to a number of food allergies and sensitivities that restricted how he was absorbing nutrients. He learned he was allergic or sensitive to a long list of foods including meat, eggs and dairy. What do you do if you find out you can no longer eat any beef products due to an allergy? If you’re Brian Gongloff, you decide to focus on the foods you can eat, and eat the best quality you can find, even if that means growing your own.

In 2020, after raising a small flock of American Bresse chickens for himself and his family, and tasting the superior flavor and texture in these rare birds, Gongloff decided to produce as many chickens as possible for his own consumption and to share with others who also value top quality, locally grown, non-gmo, sustainable meat.

fat chicken farm blue sky
What was once something to do on a whim became a hobby, then a lifestyle and a passion. Brian now has hundreds of American Bresse chickens on more than fourteen acres of pasture. With four lines of breeding stock, selected for size, fertility, vigor and traits, Brian hatches weekly for his own flock and for sale to others who are passionate about raising their own sustainable flock while working to improve the Bresse breed.

If you know about chickens, you know about chicken math and what started with 20 chickens has become hundreds.  We have 4 breeding lines that live in extra large coops with runs next to our garden. Our birds raised for meat and our capons go out to the field to live in tractors on pasture. We currently have 4 tractors and are building more.  profile

Fat Chicken Farm


5382 mi

locally grown The 7 Log Farms was founded in 2021 with the simple idea of clearing the woods in our yard. Instead of using heavy machinery we decided to begin a fun family venture by utilizing livestock and regenerative practices. We used small ruminants to clear the foliage and pigs to till up and clear the ground. We then rotated free range chickens on the newly cleared ground and allowed them to sow and fertilize our seed. By using this practice, we turned old growth forage into lush silva pasture. 
We have since expanded our small operation to two other properties where we continue to grow livestock using free range and rotational grazing practices. 
7LF is now USDA certified to sell and ship our products anywhere in the nation. We are currently selling packaged pork, lamb, and free range eggs.  profile

7 Log Farm


5382 mi

locally grown We are a family farm operation that specializes in raising high quality pork & beef products. We sell retail products like you would find in the grocery store and we also do portions as well (1/4, 1/2, and whole animals).  profile

CX Meat Company


5382 mi

locally grown Hi! We are a small organic chestnut orchard located in Pelion, South Carolina.  We are a proud member of Chestnut Growers of America, LLC and certified South Carolina grown.  Our harvest of chestnuts is in the fall usually starting in September and last a couple of months.  profile

Meador Acres Chestnuts, LLC.


5382 mi

locally grown We are a regenerative agriculture farm we raise chickens and cattle. profile

Stabler family farms


5382 mi

locally grown We are a regenerative agriculture farm we raise chickens and cattle. profile

Stabler family farms


5382 mi

locally grown We produce professionally grown cut flowers for local florists and event planners, as well as DIY buckets for weddings, church flowers, and bouquets upon request.   profile

One Hubcap Farm, LLC


5382 mi

locally grown We're a small farm located in Blythewood, SC. We have nearly two acres of intensively cultivated land. We specialize in a variety of crops for our CSA. Our Spring (March 20- May 8) and Fall (October 2 - November 20) CSA's are 8 weeks long. Our Summer CSA (June 12 - August 14) is 10 weeks long. Members can expect 5-8 different organically-grown crops in a box each week. A box can feed 2-4 people. You can find more details on our website: firstfruitssc.com  profile

First Fruits


5382 mi

locally grown We raise Brahman and Brahman-influenced cattle for seedstock as well as farm-to-table beef.  We offer heifers and steers for sale as well as whole, half, and quarter beef shares.  We also sell individual beef cuts, when available.  Please feel free to visit our website for more information.  We love questions, and would be happy to schedule a time for you to come see our farm and meet our cows!  profile

Palmetto Springs Cattle Co.


5382 mi

locally grown Paradise Acres Farm is a small family farm dedicated to producing fresh and naturally grown fruits, vegetables, eggs (chicken, duck, and turkey), chicken, turkey, duck, and goat for the local community.  profile

Paradise Acres Farm


5382 mi